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Reedwood Friends's avatar
April 19 - May 30, 2017

Reedwood Friends

Portland Seminary


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    spent outdoors
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    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    whole food meals

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Recent updates from this team
  • May 30 at 6:23 PM
    I was sorry to miss the last class, though i did write my vision of where Reedwood would be in 2050 and shared it with Cherice. Here's what I said: Reedwood 2050   At our Wednesday evening class, Cherice asked us to imagine Reedwood of 2050. During the discussion that followed our small groups, Dea Cox asked if the ecological crisis was...
  • May 30 at 6:20 PM
    I have just returned from my annual Redwood Men's Center Conference. This is the 18th consecutive conference I have attended. I consider it to be my spiritual home. It has been the source all my spiritual growth in the last two decades. At one point during the weekend, I shared Cherice's "Hope" slide that she had shared with us in our...
  • May 24 at 6:20 PM
    I am loving the readings this week. This prophetic vision seems ideally suited for Reedwood . . . but I fear that it may be a hard sell? We'll see.
  • May 17 at 5:12 PM
  • May 13 at 7:58 PM
    I have just finished making a California Redwood Little Library that we have mounted on our street corner. We will be able to share books free with each other now in our community. This summer we will do a street party for a "Grand Opening" for our little library. I have also joined the Board of Directors for the Reed College...
  • May 8 at 2:55 PM
    I'm getting outside most days, which isn't so hard with the beautiful weather we've been having! Sometimes I manage to have a meal without processed foods, but sometimes I don't. This also brings up the question of what counts as "processed," so that makes me think more about what I'm eating and how it's been made. It's a good...
  • May 7 at 8:48 PM
    I understand your connection to the land around Newberg. You are raising the fourth generation of Oregonians. But I am newly arrived (three years) and I live in Portland in the Reed College Neighborhood. So I do not feel a super deep generational connection to the area. I do observe the beauty . . . as I have observed the beauty of the earth at...
  • May 4 at 10:00 AM
    We are sorry to have missed both Sunday and Wednesday's sessions. Sunday my first cousins, whom I had not seen for more than 60 years and her husband, Jane and Warren, were in town to visit us, so we had lunch with them at TOAST. Last night, our Dance for Parkinson's teacher, Virginia Dare, who is a costume maker for the Portland Opera, had...
  • April 30 at 7:31 PM
    Well, I'm having a really hard time doing this. I spoke with Charisse about it and she suggested that I plan a rest challenge, which I haven't done. I tried to read the homework assignments and finally gave up because, it was not telling me anything I didn't already know about the world we live in and I simply was not interested in the...
  • April 25 at 10:06 PM
    Preparing to travel Thursday--lots to take care of, and lots of rain. Haven't gone for a walk--bummed. 

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