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Eagles's avatar
March 23 - April 9, 2017


University of Wisconsin La Crosse


  • 0 TODAY
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team impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    being mindful
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    pounds of paper
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 16 at 5:51 PM
    I never commented on it during the challenge, but I did contribute to the sharing economy by working on a shared garden and inviting someone over for dinner.  It's a person I sometimes struggle to enjoy being around, but I try to keep motivated about the benefits of sharing tools and garden space and even tasks like weeding and cooking.
  • April 11 at 10:12 AM
    The part that  was surprisingly the most difficult was practicing mindfulness. Modern life is built on a foundation of distraction. We ignore that which is going on within ourselves by over-analyzing world events, trying to keep up in school, and managing a social life both with friends and as a sort of self-advertisement and aggrandizement on...
  • April 11 at 8:52 AM
    The big thing that I focused on over these two weeks was avoiding the use of hand dryers and hair dryers. Because I live in the dorms I only have access to a hand dryer in the bathroom which drains energy. These past two weeks I have focused on drying my hair better after my shower with a towel and drying my hands on a towel when I get back to...
  • April 10 at 6:41 PM
    Brushing my teeth without running the water was a very simple way that I could contribute to saving water. It really made me realize how often I pointlessly leave the water running, not only when brushing my teeth, but also doing other things like washing my hands or washing my face. The 5 minute showers were a little harder. To start my...
  • April 10 at 6:03 PM
    My challenge was to take 5 minute showers. This was an interesting challenge since I realized many things I was doing that were only wasting time and wasting water at the same time. Before, I would play my music and just have lengthy thoughts in my head about everything in the shower because I felt really relaxed and didn't want to get out....
  • April 10 at 2:40 PM
    I usually only find myself taking walks to and from classes or work, but this challenge has been forcing me to adopt nature as a part of my (mostly) daily routine. Taking walks in lower Hixon or the marsh on weekends has noticeably reduced my stress levels during the week. This challenge also gave me an excuse to take neighborhood walks when I...
  • April 10 at 12:31 PM
    This challenge was definitely difficult to complete and it especially made me realize just how much meat I normally consumed as I never realized how much meat I was really consuming in my diet because I've never really thought about it. At the beginning of the challenge I definitely had troubles keeping up with the meatless meals simply because...
  • April 10 at 12:01 PM
    I really liked having a way to show my improvements on eco-friendly tasks. I had a way of making sure I accomplished at least a couple of my tasks everyday. I definitely improved too! Before this, I didn't really realized how often lights are left on in my room and now I always make sure I shut everything off when I leave. I always use my...
  • April 9 at 8:38 PM
    There were some difficulties I had in completing my challenges, as there were moments I had forgotten about them.  When I had the challenges in my mind, they were not too difficult to complete, and I am interested to see the savings with respect to utility bills as well.  It's kind of fun challenging myself, and saving money  at the same time....
  • April 9 at 8:36 PM
    Trying to keep up with this everyday wasn't the easiest task in the world but it definitely made me get creative in producing less waste when I'm eating. I used a lot less napkins, and I made sure to use a lot less dishes while eating in the dining hall.

50 Team Members

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CHALLENGER: Eagles Challenger Team Members: 50 Challenger Points: 4098 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: UWL Green Team Challenged Team Members: 20 Challenged Points: 3992 Winning?: